Pose When You Stand

This blog is dedicated to reality TV in all of its tawdry glory. Our title is taken from reality icon Paris Hilton, guesting on Kathy Griffin's show. A reality home run, in my humble opinion.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Testing Twitter widget

This is Rosemary's Twitter Feed

These are my buddies

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Big Brother 11 - Cliques not Clicking?

We're only a few days into Big Brother 11, and already the BB-imposed cliques are dissolving into rival gangs, ragtag loners, and posers (hey, just like high school!). It's easier to see when watching the Big Brother After Dark episodes on Showtime, but even during the main show, cracks started forming in the cliques almost immediately.

I'm wondering why Jeff was summarily ousted from the Athletes group. Why did Chima not choose a member of her own Brains clique to help her in the veto competition? Why were all of the members of the Popular clique comforting Lydia when she got nominated?

I believe it's simple...people will gravitate toward certain other people, regardless of artificially imposed groups. It will be fascinating to see the rest of the season play out.

One final note: will someone for the love of humanity please get rid of Jesse from last season? He was the burr under my saddle for the whole season, and I can't bear to watch one more moment of his dopey narcissism.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Kathy Griffin's Life on the D List - Paris is my BFF

It's fun to watch Kathy Griffin in a "oh my sweet heavens did she really just say/do that" sort of way. But her recent episode with Paris Hilton is one of my all-time favorites. We all know Paris as the famous-for-no-reason representative of all things vapid and inane. Kathy Griffin, with her penetrating insight, uncovered the intriguing fun side of Paris...she helps put together outfits, she offers to buy dinner at Mr. Chow, she rings up Snoop Dogg just to say "for shizzle, dizzle." This had me rolling around with convulsive laughter, but somewhat saddened with the knowledge that I would never be able to go on a shopping spree at Kitson with Paris myself. (Well, unless I win the lottery or become a reality star---hello, Housewife from NY!)

The capper of the whole affair was when, in the store, Kathy noticed that Paris was striking a pose for no particular reason. She asked "what's up with that, Paris?" Paris replied with the immortal words "I like to pose when I stand." Don't we all, Paris. Don't. We. All.
